Show HN: 100% open-source voice assistant – as a HAL9000

Show HN: 100% open-source voice assistant – as a HAL9000 It started in 2018 with my first 3D printer and some openscad designs - just something that looks like a HAL9000 (and had a controlled red LED for the visuals) - it ended up being a full software-project...that hasn't ended yet. But: it is at a (quality-)point at which I am OK with putting it up on stage. My project goals: A digital voice-assistant that is... - actually usable (response times, error rates, ...) - performs everything on-device ("look ma, no cloud") - is entirely Free/Libre Open-Source-Software - is as-easy-as-possible to build I consider all four goals to be accomplished even at this ~90% stage of the project. If you just want to get some quick impressions, check out the "Demos" (video-)page in the github wiki (prominently linked in the README in the github repo). If you want to spend some more time on this, it's probably easiest to watch my presentation at Hackaday Europe from two months ago: June 15, 2024 at 05:57AM
