Show HN: – API to enhance your images in dark-mode

Show HN: – API to enhance your images in dark-mode Hi HN, I built ( ) it's an API that can predict whether an image will look good/bad while inverted. This is particularly useful for images in dark-mode as you can now safely invert them. The conservative solution to adapt images for dark-mode consist in dimming the image, however there is a lot of images that can be inverted (graph for example). Using deep learning we can avoid heuristics and obtain a much more reliable solution. The API uses an EfficientNet pre-trained model fine-tuned on a custom dataset (1.1k samples). EfficientNet was chosen as it was pretrained and offered the best performance for it's size. The trained model is very small (16MB) which means you can easily run your own instance. This problem is very simple for deep learning as it's a simple binary classification, most of the work consists in collecting and labelling the data to train and validate the model. For the API I'm using FastAPI, Redis and ONNX Runtime to run the model. The API can be used by posting the images to the API, using URL and using SHA-1 for already processed images. The API is free and open-sourced ( ). March 26, 2024 at 03:19AM
