Show HN: LLMWare – Small Specialized Function Calling 1B LLMs for Multi-Step RAG

Show HN: LLMWare – Small Specialized Function Calling 1B LLMs for Multi-Step RAG Hi, I was a corporate lawyer for many years working with a lot of financial services and insurance companies. In practicing law, I noticed there was a lot of repetition in the tasks I was working on even as a highly paid attorney that could be automated. I wanted to solve the problem of dealing with a lot information and data in a practical way, using AI. This motivated me to start AI Bloks/LLMWare with my husband, who had a deep background in software and is a very early adopter of AI. We have been on this journey with our open source project LLMWare for the past 4 months, producing a RAG framework in GH and about 50 models in Hugging Face. Our latest models are designed to re-imagine the way we use small specialized models in multi-step RAG workflow (SLIMs). I would love for you to check it out and give us some feedback. Thank you! February 11, 2024 at 08:10PM
